

日時:2008.12.2 Tue. 18:00~20:00

  • スロヴェニア映画「雄鶏の朝食」(2007年)上映会

    フェリ・ラインシュチェク(Feri Lainšček)による同名の小説を元にしたロマンティック・コメディー。マルコ・ナベルシュニク監督(Marko Naberšnik)初の長編作品。第10回スロヴェニア映画祭において監督賞・主演男優賞など5部門を制覇し、スロヴェニアの2007年年間興行成績第一位になるなどスロヴェニア映画界を席巻。スロヴェニア代表作品として、米アカデミー賞外国作品賞ノミネート候補作に選出される。禁断の愛をテーマに、のどかな田舎町に暮らす人々の隠された情熱が人々の生活を一変させる姿を描いた作品。

    Rooster’s Breakfast (2007)
    (Petelinji zajtrk)

    Director & Screenplay: Marko Naberšnik
    Starring: Primož Bezjak, Vlado Novak, Pia Zemljič, Dario Varga, Janez Škof
    Photography: Valentin Perko
    Sound: Jožen Trtnik, Boštjan Kačičnik
    Editor: Janez Bricelj
    Music: Saša Losič
    Producer: Franci Zajc, Arsmedia
    Co-producers: RTV Slovenija, Jadran film Zagreb
    35mm, 126 min.

    Genre: Romantic comedy

    Awards: 10th Festival of Slovene Films: Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Male Actor; Magazine Stop Award: Actor of the Year

    The Story:

    Rooster’s Breakfast is a romantic comedy about people of a small town, who lead quiet, inconspicuous lives while harboring secret passions that come to change their lives in a dramatic way. Djuro works as an apprentice in a garage owned by the elderly Gajaš. His quiet existence gets unsettled by the arrival of a dark-haired beauty Bronja, who is married to a local scoundrel and pimp Lepec. Bronja and Djuro start a risky affair, which eventually gets disclosed. In the meantime, Gajaš fantasizes about Severina, a popular singer who comes to town on her tour. When an opportunity to meet her presents itself, Gajaš’ heart leaps for joy. The film is based on the novel by Feri Lainšček with the same title.

    Marko Naberšnik - Director

    Born in 1973 in Maribor. He studied film directing in New York and later in Ljubljana where he graduated from the Academy for Theater, Radio & Television (AGRFT) in 2002. His awards include Prešeren’s University Award for a short film Z ljubeznijo (With Love) and the Vesna Award for the best student film Pavle (Paul) at the 5th Festival of Slovene Film in Porotorož. He works as a director of feature and documentary films, as well as music, TV documentaries, children films, and talk shows for television. Petelinji zajtrk (Rooster’s Breakfast) is his first full-length feature film which broke box office records for the most viewed film in Slovenia in 2007 and is a candidate for the nomination of Best Foreign Film category in the American Academy Awards.

    Feri Lainšček – Author

    Born in 1959 in Goričko in the NE of Slovenia. He is a leading Slovene writer and a recipient of numerous literary awards. Petelinji zajtrk is his fourth novel made into film.

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